Raspberry Pi Device Discovery

Before you begin, ensure you have a method of developing on your PI (either remotely or locally). I am doing my development on windows so here is the tutorial I followed to setup a shared drive


Now onto the code!

Device discovery is a pretty common way to identify multiple devices within a local network. It is not the best way but definitely a great place to start.

The idea of this code is that a PC will broadcast a UDP message with the datagram “request” and all PI’s listening will response with a UDP packet of their own with a datagram of “PI”.

Below is the C++ code for the PI (Qt GUI Application)

First we need a GUI so layout a GUI similiar to the one below:



Its a very simple layout (horizontal layout) with 2 buttons and a treeview.

We need 1 class for this project. Make a class called MyUDP, below is the header file.

In the dialog cpp, insert the following code
#include "maindialog.h"
#include "ui_maindialog.h"

MainDialog::MainDialog(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainDialog)
    //create a UDP class
    udp = new MyUDP(this);
     * connect UDP on readRady to onUDPreceived
     * so when a reply comes in, the table with add the IP to the table
     * if the table does not already contain the IP
    connect(udp, SIGNAL(updateList(QString)), this, SLOT(onUDPReceived(QString)));

    delete ui;

void MainDialog::on_btnClear_clicked()
    //clear table list
    ui->tableWidget->setRowCount(0); //clear out the rows


void MainDialog::on_btnSearch_clicked()
    //send UDP broadcast

void MainDialog::onUDPReceived(QString address)
    //update table when new packet is received
    qDebug() << "Updating list";
        int row = ui->tableWidget->rowCount();
        ui->tableWidget->setItem(row, 0, new QTableWidgetItem("Pi"));
        ui->tableWidget->setItem(row, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(address));

For our classes we need a UDP object that can connect to a socket and send datagrams. Here is the header file:

#ifndef MYUDP_H
#define MYUDP_H

#include <QObject>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QUdpSocket>
#include <QNetworkInterface>

class MyUDP : public QObject
    explicit MyUDP(QObject *parent = 0);
    void deviceDiscover();

    void updateList(QString IP);

public slots:
    void readyRead();
    QUdpSocket *socket;
    QHostAddress localAddress;
    QHostAddress bcastAddress;

#endif // MYUDP_H
#include "myudp.h"

MyUDP::MyUDP(QObject *parent) :
    qDebug() << "Binding UDP Socket";
    socket = new QUdpSocket(this);
    socket->bind(QHostAddress::Any, 5000); //bind to 5000
    connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead()));

void MyUDP::deviceDiscover(){
    QByteArray data;
    qDebug() << "Sending broadcast";
    socket->writeDatagram(data, QHostAddress::Broadcast, 5000); //broadcast from port 5000

void MyUDP::readyRead(){
    QByteArray buffer;
    //var to store headers from udp
    QHostAddress sender;
    quint16 sender_port;
    socket->readDatagram(buffer.data(),buffer.size(), &sender, &sender_port);
    qDebug() << "Message from " << sender << " port " << sender_port;
    qDebug() << "Msg: " << buffer;
        //add to list


The main in a console application is left untouched, the main dialog becomes the main of our program.

On our Pi we need a similar structure but we only need it to respond:

#ifndef MYUDP_H
#define MYUDP_H

#include <QObject>
#include <QUdpSocket>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QNetworkInterface>

 Small packets
 Very fast
 Good for multicast/broadcast
 Unreliable, no 3-way handshake
class MyUDP : public QObject
 explicit MyUDP(QObject *parent = 0);

public slots:
 void readyRead();

 QUdpSocket *socket;

#endif // MYUDP_H

And the CPP file:

#include "myudp.h"

MyUDP::MyUDP(QObject *parent) :
 qDebug() << "Binding UDP Socket";
 socket = new QUdpSocket(this);
 socket->bind(QHostAddress::Any, 5000); //bind to 5000
 connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead()));
 QByteArray data;
 socket->writeDatagram(data, QHostAddress::Broadcast, 5000); //broadcast from port 5000

void MyUDP::readyRead(){
 QByteArray buffer;
 //var to store headers from udp
 QHostAddress sender;
 quint16 sender_port;
 socket->readDatagram(buffer.data(),buffer.size(), &sender, &sender_port);
 qDebug() << "Message from " << sender << " port " << sender_port;
 qDebug() << "Msg: " << buffer;
 QByteArray data;
 socket->writeDatagram(data, sender, 5000); //reply back with a PI

And finally the main:

#include <QCoreApplication>
#include "myudp.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
MyUDP server;
return a.exec();

Now set the code to run automatically when Linux starts. I will post a tutorial of my own later but here’s a link for those who do not know how:http://dalank.com/blog/?p=368


A great way to handle embedded systems (without screens) are VNC and SSH. Here’s a quick briefing of the 2 for those who do not know what these are:

1) VNC – Virtual Network Computing

VNC allows us to connect to a server running of the Pi that will forward the desktop to another computer (pretty much remote desktop). On embedded systems, VNC is not the lightest tool so do not expect to be using QtCreator through VNC and having a good time! For our purposes, it will be used to simply visually inspect our device from time to time.

2) SSH – Secure Shell

This allows us to connect to the device over a network connection. From an SSH terminal, we can access the linux terminal and do the usual evil doings.


1) SSH

My favorite ssh client is putty, you can get it here.

Install putty, open it up, enter your devices IP and connect! You will be prompted for the username and password, make sure you know it by now. (We will later develop an application that will automatically discover our raspberry pi and send us the IP of it so we do not need to go searching!). Most of us will be using DHCP and most of us will have the same IP (regardless of DHCP) for a very long time since we do not have many computers on our local networks. Until our device discovery app works, just right down the IP your device has acquired.

SSH comes readily available on the Raspberry Pi debian distribution. 🙂

2) VNC

Run the following command to get a VNC server

sudo apt-get install tightvncserver

Easy enough huh? Now we just need to run our vncserver… open up SSH (from the above instructions) or if your still disregarding all my ideas, LXTerminal.

To start a vnc server just run the following command:

vncserver :1

This will start the server and set it on port 1. I do not recommend adding this to an autostart script, again VNC is not the lightest application you can put on an embedded system and should only be running when needed! We are dealing with embedded design now, not the resource filled desktops we are used too.

Note the first time you run it, you will be prompted to enter a password. This password is max 8 characters so pick something simple! Also say no for the “read-only view” password, unless you reallllllyyy want one. 

Easiest way to connect to our server is VNC Viewer. Install it and set the VNC Server to your devices IP and Port.


Then set the encryption to “Let VNC Server choose” and connect! If you did everything right, you will see a familiar raspberry.

For any projects I post, I will mostly be cross compiling them over SSH. I do this because this is a pretty standard way in the industry to talk to embedded systems. Not everything has a nice pretty GUI! Get used to it if you want to be an engineer. 🙂

Pi Essentials

To get started with the Pi we need some essential packages first. Open up the Pi on an HDMI monitor and run the LXTerminal. Run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install synaptic

Open synaptic using the following command:

sudo synaptic

Search for “qtcreator” and mark the first installation package you see. This will trigger you to mark all other required packages. Install and wait.

Once Qt is fully installed, we can test it out by running


Note that you should not sudo IDE’s and such when running because they will put root permissions of every folder/file they create.

To ensure our project is properly working we should build a basic “Hello World” application. First we need to configure some toolchain and build root stuff.

Pretty simple: I am using the instructions from the following tutorial 🙂

Once our toolchain is all configured properly, create a simple project!

File->New File or Project -> Qt Console Application
I just made a directory called dev in home.
Another note, most Qt apps built in any of my tutorials will be console applications (on the Pi). I planto use the Pi as an embedded device and will do most of my interfacing through SSH.

Pick your project to only for debug only, no release needed.

Here’s the basic snippet of code as a test:

 #include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
 QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
 qDebug() << "Pi almighty";
 return a.exec();

Now cd into your code directory, you should see the following files

<pre>pi@raspberrypi ~/dev/hellotest $ ls
hellotest.pro hellotest.pro.user main.cpp main.cpp.autosave main.o

Run the following sequence of commands to make your code. (Yes you can do this in QtCreator but for our sake we will be building applications on a desktop and then cross compiling on the Pi itself).


Now we should have some goodies in our directory: run an ls and you should see an hellotest (or whatever you called your project) sitting in there, as well as a MakeFile (generated by qmake).

To run it just ./hellotest and your qDebug output should display!

And that concludes step 1 of setting up the Pi with Qt C++.

Raspberry Pi


The first project I am going to cover involves the famous (and friendly) Raspberry Pi. Now I know there a lot of tutorials out there that allow non-technical users to easily play with some “low-level” tech but I really haven’t found any that uncover the true skills required by most jobs these days. The general goal of these upcoming projects to to uncover the underlying dynamics of the Pi.

The code set that I will focus on is Qt C++ (4.8.1) until later when Qt 5 releases a much more stable build for the Pi.

I will start with the basics of setting up SSH on the PI to eliminate the need of using a monitor, keyboard and mouse to communicate with the Pi.

The next project will be to setup a network application that will allow for us to search for online raspberry pi’s and have them report back their IP’s. This will allow us to use DHCP and not worry about always figuring out what our boards IP is. Think of it as a customized “Device Discovery Protocol”.

The project after will look into writing custom GPIO drivers in C++, rather then using the python code it already comes with. I want to do this because understanding how Linux communicates with its drivers and sets hardware level components is very important for both engineers and developers. If you are not interested in this kind of stuff then you should go back to using the pre-built python libraries in the Pi that do all the heavy lifting for you.

I will think of more projects later that will involve wheels, motors, some fun sensors and much more!

If you are not comfortable with C++ or Qt please watch the video lectures below. They are  very well organized and cover many key aspects of what you need to know.
